Public Prosecution News

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Upon Attorney General’s challenge, Dubai Cassation Court cancelled two appeals in Labor cases

Upon challenge by Dubai Attorney General, Advisor/Essam Essa Al Humaidan, the Court of Cassation has cancelled two judgments issued by Court of Appeal of Dubai in two labor disputes with claims over half million, in favor of law.

Court of Cassation of Dubai affirm the need to pay the Appeal fees within three days

The case facts can be summarized as follows: The Claimant, Employee, filed the case against the Employer Company, with claims to order the Company to pay the sum of AED 216,600 and ticket. The Claimant indicated that she joined work with the Respondent in the position of (Manager) as per limited-term employment contract dated 11/09/2019.

265 Oppositions on Judgments in absentia issued in Dubai

Dubai Public Prosecution had revealed that some judgments in absentia rendered in misdemeanors and petty offences were challenged, by way of opposition. During 2020, the number of challenged judgments was 205oppositions, meanwhile it reached 197 oppositions until mid of September 2021.

Attorney General Discusses Cooperation with Norway

Adviser/ Essam Essa Al Humaidan, Attorney General of Dubai, received Trond Havarode, Minister Counsellor at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway, accompanied by Consul General, Knut Lutro.

Attorney General receives the Italian Consul General

Adviser/Essam Essa Al Humaidan, Attorney General of Dubai, received Mr. Geosi VenoKabaro- Consul General of Italy. During the meeting, the parties discussed aspects of promoting cooperation and coordination between the two sides in legal and judiciary areas

DPP receives a Delegation from Ras Al Khaimah Prosecution

Dubai Public Prosecution held a meeting with delegation from Ras Al Khaimah Prosecution, to exchange expertise and review best electronic practices in government archiving, correspondences and disposal of confiscated items.